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Contaminated Soil Removal

Serving Wellington, Hutt Valley, Porirua, and more.

Our qualified and knowledgeable team here at AMR has the expertise you need to help get rid of that Asbestos mess in your soil.


Where previous Asbestos contaminated buildings were once found, often coincides with Asbestos fibres being found in soil.

This is due to the fact that Asbestos fibres do not break down, therefore will stay in the soil longer than a property may stay on that site.

We know Asbestos was used in products for its ability to strengthen and fireproof materials including concrete, bricks, fireplaces, pipes, paint, plaster, and even insulation making them the perfect materials to build foundations, buildings, and homes with.

If the soil is suspected of containing Asbestos fibres, the person on site must take the assumption that the soil is contaminated with Asbestos Contaminated Materials (ACM) and cease work immediately.

An independent authorized assessor should then take samples of the material and soil for analysis to confirm or deny whether the presence of Asbestos is present. Unfortunately, we now know the risks and damage Asbestos fibres can cause.  Asbestos contamination in the soil can go unnoticed and overlooked. 

contaminated soil removal - AMR team biohazard logo

For more information about our Contaminated Soil Removal service get in touch below or request a quote.

“Absolutely great experience with the AMR Team. We use them regularly and could not be happier with their service Fast and efficient! Thanks!”

— Matt Stewart

“The big selling point for us was Ryan’s team’s ability to seal off the area in question to such a high standard that we were still able to use uncontaminated areas on the premises with appropriate access controls and H&S risk management.”

— Yron Thal

“Great service. Worked with us for our deadlines. Highly recommend.”

— Jake Wills